We have noticed of recent that the families or responsible caregiver of a potential new resident has not exactly told us everything about that resident. Many times we may be told that “Mom is doing great, very active, can do for herself on almost everything but is a little forgetful.” Then we do a little more discovery to find out that Mom is actually very confused and can do almost nothing for herself.
This brings to mind the old game show Truth or Consequences. It is very important for us to know as much about the prospect resident as we can. Not only from the viewpoint of safety but we know that we can properly care for the resident if they are entrusted to our care. The truth is imperative, after all it’s going to be quickly revealed once the resident moves in.
The consequence? Many times to not be forth coming or to withhold important information could mean a refusal by the operator to admit the resident. This can be both confrontational and awkward. It could also cause unnecessary agitation with the resident or place them in danger when the proper care is not provided because the operator has no knowledge of the situation.
We understand that sometimes the need to find placement due to the stress placed on the family is immense. However many times except in severe cases with proper knowledge and planning many situations and diagnosis can be appropriately addressed and managed.
A key flag that there may be an issue is the refusal or resistance of the family to allow for a pre-admit assessment. Our policy is becoming more and more demanding that we must assess the resident either at home or with a visit to the community. In many instances the family may be trying to keep Mom or Dad from knowing that they plan to move them into the community. This needs to be addressed before hand as it was will almost always cause a problem.
Develop an open an honest relationship with the provider of your choice, explain all the issues and then let them assess the situation. More often than not a smooth transition can occur and you and your loved will be glad you made the move.