Stress Less: Tips and Techniques for Managing Anxiety

Stress Less: Tips and Techniques for Managing Anxiety

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Everyone experiences stress—no matter what age or stage of life we’re in. Some research even shows that minor stress can be useful for our bodies. It can put us in high alert and increase our motivation and performance. However, many people don’t experience minor stress; they experience the kind that makes us feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and anxious.The first week in November is International Stress Awareness Week, which presents an opportunity for you to identify stressors in your life and work to manage unwanted feelings of stress and anxiety. 

Senior Solutions Management Group, with Assisted Living, Personal Care Homes, and Independent Living services throughout the southeast United States, is sharing why reducing your stress levels can be beneficial and tips and strategies for managing stress. 

Why It’s Necessary to Manage Stress 

Since stress is something that most people have dealt with throughout their lives, many are used to it and can handle it accordingly. However, as we get older, we become less able to endure chronic stress and its effects. According to Dr. Michelle Dossett, an internal and integrative medicine specialist at the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine, older adults “have less resilience to stress, and often find that stress affects them differently now (Harvard Health Publishing).” 

Chronic and prolonged stress can negatively impact our bodies in many ways. It can lead to fatigue, headaches, insomnia, and can eventually cause serious health concerns. Because of these consequences, it can be valuable to learn a few strategies for managing stress and anxiety to ensure a healthy and stress-free life. 

Methods For Managing Stress and Anxiety 

Identify Stressors 

One of the first and most significant things you can do to manage stress is to identify what is causing the stress and anxiety you’re experiencing. These factors can look different for everyone, depending on their job, relationships, or other life situations. Stressors for older adults will often include

  • Feeling lonely or isolated 
  • Lack of independence or declining physical capabilities 
  • Financial concerns 
  • Lack of purpose or fulfillment 
  • Loss of friends or a spouse 

Once you can identify what is causing you stress and anxiety, you can strive to eliminate these factors from your life. If this isn’t possible, work on shifting your mindset around these stressors. By looking at them from a different perspective, you can start to react to them differently, reducing stress. 

Get Moving 

Virtually any type of physical activity can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Engaging in regular physical activity can improve focus, boost your endorphins (the feel-good chemical), and enhance your overall mood—all tools that can work together to decrease stress levels. 

Senior Solutions’ Bonus Tip:

You don’t need to be a star athlete to reap the health benefits of exercising. Find something that gets you moving and you enjoy doing, and try to make it a regular habit. Examples of fun and active exercises include Tai Chi, dancing, gardening, bicycling, and so much more! 

Practice Mindfulness 

By incorporating mindfulness into your daily life, you can start to become more aware of your thoughts and eventually control how you react to stressful situations, making it a valuable strategy in stress management. If you aren’t sure how to practice mindfulness, start by taking 5-10 minutes each day to simply sit quietly, attempting to focus on the present moment. 

Senior Solutions’ Bonus Tip

Aromatherapy has been shown to reduce levels of stress and anxiety. While you are doing your daily mindfulness session, try diffusing some essential oils in the room. Scents known for relieving stress are lavender and bergamot. 

Spend Time With Family and Friends 

Having a close circle of family and friends is crucial in managing stress and anxiety. For some, it may be a reliable support system with whom they can share their struggles and seek advice. For others, it may be a group of friends who is willing to take your mind off of things. Whatever your social support group looks like, it can be essential in reducing stress levels. 

Senior Solutions’ Bonus Tip: 

We know that right now, it can be challenging to see our friends and family face-to-face, but here are still many ways to interact with them. Whether it’s a phone call, an email exchange, or a video conference on Zoom or FaceTime, there are many ways to stay connected even when we’re apart! 

Stress-Free Living at Senior Solutions 

At Senior Solutions Management Group, we are aware of how important health and wellness are to older adults, which is why we create a lifestyle that focuses on reducing feelings of stress and anxiety for our residents. By providing a maintenance-free lifestyle, including meals, housekeeping, and wellness programs such as pet therapy, we are dedicated to keeping our residents comfortable, satisfied, and stress-free. 

For more information on Senior Solutions Management Group’s approach to care, Assisted Living, Personal Care Homes, or Independent Living services, or senior health and wellness, we invite you to visit our blog!

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