In South Carolina
If you or a loved one are looking for more information about which benefits seniors are eligible for, senior housing options, or resources that are specific to South Carolina, Senior Solutions Management Group has provided a list of helpful links that will help you and your loved ones along your journey below.
Contact UsThe South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS) offers information about medicare, applying for benefits, and the healthcare options available to seniors in South Carolina.
The South Carolina Department on Aging provides a wealth of information about senior living resources such as rental assistance, nutritional information, and programs that are intended to provide support to seniors.
The Center for Disability Resources at the University of South Carolina is an excellent resource for families that are caring for a disabled loved one. Learn more about their programs and resources by visiting their website.
You can find more resources that include general information about senior living, senior health, and benefits by visiting our Senior Living Resources page!
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