Medicaid Funding Solutions
Tennessee’s CHOICES program includes nursing facility services and home and community-based services (HCBS) for adults 21 years of age and older with a physical disability and seniors (65 and older).
TennCare CHOICES in Long-Term Services and Supports (or CHOICES for short) is for adults (age 21 and older) with a physical disability and seniors (age 65 and older). CHOICES offers services to help a person live in their own home or in the community. These services are called Home and Community Based Services or HCBS. These services can be provided in the home, on the job, or in the community to assist with daily living activities and allow people to work and be actively invo
For CHOICES COUNSELING assistance, visit to contact your local Area Agency on Aging and Disability (AAAD).
The Assisted Living Waiver is a home and community-based waiver that provides services to beneficiaries who, but for the provision of such services, would require the level of care provided in a nursing facility.
Qualified beneficiaries are allowed to reside in a Personal Care Home-Assisted Living (PCH-AL) facility that is licensed as a PCH-AL Facility by the Mississippi State Department of Health and is approved as a Medicaid provider for Assisted Living services. Medicaid reimburses for the services received in the facility.
Eligibility for Assisted Living is limited to individuals age 21 years old and older, who meet clinical eligibility requirements determined through screening the following areas:
- Activities of daily living (ADLs)
- Instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs)
- Sensory deficits
- Cognitive deficits
- Client behaviors
- Medical conditions
- Medical services
Beneficiaries of this waiver must be Medicaid eligible either as a Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipient or meet the income level up to 300% of the SSI federal benefit rate.
For more information, visit
Living Choices is an assisted living program that enables you to live independently in an assisted living community, do the things you enjoy, and remain healthy.
For example, if you need help bathing, toileting, eating, and/or drinking, a trained caregiver at an assisted living community is there to assist. Plus, there are social activities to brighten your day, medication management services, and other offerings and benefits designed with one goal in mind – to keep you in the community.
To apply, call your local DHS county office or the Choices in Living Resource Center to explore your choices. 1-866-801-3435.
Who is eligible?
Arkansans who are:
- Age 21 through 64 with a physical disability OR Age 65 and older
- AND Meet established financial criteria
- Meet nursing home admission criteria at the intermediate level
- Need at least one of the available services
Visit for more information.