Amazing Benefits of a Healthy Diet: Assisted Living Nutrition is Key

Amazing Benefits of a Healthy Diet: Assisted Living Nutrition is Key

It seems that the old adage “you are what you eat” has real merit. For seniors, it’s especially important to maintain a healthy diet to ward off or delay many of the negative conditions associated with aging. That’s why one of the important factors in the choice of a senior living community is the quality and healthfulness of the food. Make sure you carefully look into the assisted living nutrition plan and consider whether your loved oneAmazing benefits of a healthy diet: assisted living nutrion is key will have regular access to healthy dietary choices.

More and more solid scientific studies link a good diet to a healthier and longer life. In a nutshell, seniors who eat right have better cognition, less illness, more energy and an enhanced sense of well-being.

Lower stroke risk with fish

Women who ate lots of fish reduce their stroke risk by 52%, says one study, compared to those who do not consume fish. Fish with darker oily meat high in heart-healthy levels of omega-3-fatty acids – swordfish, salmon, and mackerel for example – showed the most benefit.

Be sharp with fresh berries

Blueberries, strawberries and blackberries contain high levels of plant chemicals called flavenoids, which appear to reduce cognitive decline in seniors. Results of a recent study indicate that brain aging can be delayed by up to two and one-half years in seniors who eat more flavenoid-rich berries. Flavenoids contain anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, thought to combat the toll stress and inflammation take on the brain.

Get energized with good proteins

Lean meats such as chicken or turkey, some cuts of pork and just about all fish, are low in saturated fat and high in protein, an important energy source. Many seniors don’t get enough protein in their diet and are so more prone to sickness and fatigue. Good non-meat protein sources are beans, chickpeas, nuts, eggs, low-fat cheese and seeds.

Improve memory with walnuts, olive oil and coffee

A recent study looking at the Mediterranean diet measured various aspects of cognition. The study found that total olive oil increased immediate verbal memory (the ability to repeat information just presented). Virgin olive oil and coffee improved delayed verbal memory (the ability to retrieve information given longer than 30 seconds before). Walnuts improved working memory (the application and use of information).

Smarten up with colorful vegetables

Make your plate more colorful with dark, leafy greens (kale, spinach,broccoli), as well as orange/yellow vegetables (sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, peppers). They are high in healthy anti-oxidants. 

Stay healthier with tea

Tea, especially green tea, is high in anti-oxidants and more consumption of tea is linked to a lower incidence of cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

When looking at assisted living nutrition choices, make sure that the senior living community offers low sodium (reduces high blood pressure) and low sugar (diabetes control) diets. Ask to see last month’s menu offerings and look at the options available for each daily meal – breakfast, lunch and dinner. If foods such as waffles and bacon, macaroni and cheese, fried chicken, potato salad or sugary desserts are common themes, that’s worrisome.

Assisted living nutrition can be both delicious and nutritious. Make sure your loved one finds a community with healthy food options.  What nutrition tips work best for your loved ones?

Want to ensure a healthy diet in your loved one’s life?

Assisted living and independent living can be a rewarding and positive experience for the family, and healthy nutritional choices play a big part in it. Learn how we’ve combined world-class care with the best practices in assisted living.

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