5 Tips for Navigating Long-Distance Senior Care

5 Tips for Navigating Long-Distance Senior Care

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Becoming the primary caregiver for a loved one is a meaningful and rewarding experience, but it can be overwhelming at times. Caring for a parent or family member is challenging enough, but taking on this role while living at a distance presents its own set of additional challenges.

Throughout our all-inclusive senior living communities, Senior Solutions Management Group understands what it takes to provide exceptional senior care. We know that every individual has their own set of needs and preferences and that no two situations are the same. 

Whether you provide care for a parent or relative nearby or you do so from across the country, we want to help you be the best caregiver you can be. That is why we are sharing tips for how you can better navigate your long-distance senior caregiving role.

Tip 1: Accept That You Cannot Do Everything

This may be one of the most important steps you can take when you provide long-distance senior care. Because you live far away, whether it be 200 miles or 2,000 miles, there are certain things you cannot do for your loved one. Accept that this is okay!

Instead of worrying about the things you can’t do, focus on what you can do and how you can help. Tasks such as arranging transportation, scheduling medical appointments, managing finances, finding local resources, researching all-inclusive senior living options, and coordinating additional care can all be done from wherever you are.

Tip 2: Learn as Much as You Can

Learning as much as you can about your loved one’s health, what medications they are taking, and any available resources can go a long way in helping you navigate their care from a distance.

If you have a solid understanding of their needs, you will know what type of care and assistance they would benefit from the most – now and in the future. This knowledge is extremely useful when you are a long-distance senior caregiver and helps you know what to expect going forward.


Tip 3: Plan Visits Ahead of Time

If you are planning a visit to your parent or family member’s home, it may be tempting to try to cram several tasks into one trip, but this can get overwhelming very quickly. Instead, plan out your trip before you arrive. 

Talk to your loved one and ask them what they would like to do while you are there. Prioritize tasks, planning to accomplish the important ones during your trip while saving the others for another visit. Make sure to plan fun activities too. Spending quality time and having fun with your parent or family member is just as important as all the other tasks!

Tip 4: Stay Connected

Just because you live far away does not mean that you cannot stay connected to your loved one and their care team. Make it a point to communicate with your loved one on a regular basis and reach out to their care team. Their care team may include healthcare providers, other professionals, family members, and friends. 

If your loved one lives in an all-inclusive senior living community, communicate with the staff to stay up to date on how your loved one is doing. Not just their health, but overall wellness – are they socializing? Are they participating in group activities? This will help you stay informed about any changes to your loved one’s health and wellness.

Tip 5: Take Care of Your Own Health

Don’t cause yourself unwarranted stress and anxiety trying to do too much or feeling like you’re not doing enough. Unless you are in good health, you cannot be the best caregiver you can be. Remember to prioritize your health and wellness, taking time out for yourself. When you feel happy and healthy, you are better able to provide care to your parent or family member. 

Senior Solutions Management Group has all-inclusive senior living communities that ensure your loved one is taken care of even when you live far away. If you would like to learn more about our services and what we have to offer, contact a member of our team or visit our website.

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