5 Meaningful Senior Living Activities You’ll Find in Assisted Living

5 Meaningful Senior Living Activities You’ll Find in Assisted Living


Senior living communities come in many configurations, each designed to suit the varying needs of today’s seniors. Options include independent living only, a mix of independent and assisted living, assisted living only, or all-inclusive arrangements that provide independent living through memory care/skilled nursing care. 

Assisted living arrangements are for residents who need some level of assistance with daily activities of living. For example, they might have some mobility limitations or vision impairments. The great thing about assisted living is that it offers structure, safety and personal assistance when needed, but your loved one gets to plan his or her own day. It might surprise you to learn that assisted living communities are vibrant places where residents participate in a wide range of activities and events.

If mom wants to have a quiet morning in her personalized apartment to finish her book, she can enjoy the peace and solitude. However,when she’s ready for action, she can tap into a wide range of planned activities, events and socializing opportunities that are fun and designed to suit the needs and capabilities of assisted living residents. This balance of planned activities and individual autonomy is one of the main reasons that assisted living communities are so popular today.

What are some of the senior living activities that mom or dad can enjoy in assisted living? 

1. Daily exercise activities: Assisted living communities focus on wellness and health and offer a variety of exercise options for all abilities. For example, many communities have a daily walk or exercise class that helps seniors sustain muscle strength and balance, with exercises designed for seniors’ abilities and limitations. Communities with swimming pools offer water aerobics and free swim time.

2. Brain booster games: Along with physical health, wellness encompasses cognitive well-being. Look for an assisted living community that offers regular brain games that combine fun with a meaningful goal of memory sustenance. Activity directors design fun games that get residents thinking, talking and laughing together.

3. Music nights: Favorite songs and music from younger days is a memory that is very long-lived. If you’ve heard your loved one singing songs from her youth and remembering every word, you know how powerful music is for us. And how happy it can make your loved one, transporting dad back to the days when he went dancing to his favorite band. Assisted living communities bring the music to residents with planned musical activities, which could range from live music at an outdoor summer picnic to a dance night with favorite tunes, or even a karaoke night hosted by staff.

4. Planned community outings: Residents who enjoy attending community activities can take advantage of transportation services to take them to fun and meaningful events, such as live theater, interesting presentations by experts in various fields, movie nights, and more. Getting out and about in the larger community is extremely important to provide stimulation and variety for your loved one.

5. Continued enjoyment of favorite hobbies : Does your mom love to play cards, or do scrapbooking? Does dad like to work outside, doing gardening? Many assisted living residents bring with them a lifetime of interests and hobbies. Enabling residents to keep doing those things that they’ve always enjoyed is another meaningful senior living activity offered in many assisted living communities.

A good assisted living community has staff who will meet with your loved one and evaluate their individual needs and life interests so that mom or dad receives the most appropriate care in a stimulating environment. 

Want to learn more about our excellent assisted living communities? Contact us today!


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